Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Embryo Transfer Moments

An Embarrassing Incident At The IVF Clinic

Wow. What a day. One expanding blastocyst transferred. One early blastocyst in the making. And drumroll please .... hopefully at least one more blastocyst to come.

The transfer itself went smoothly. The only hiccup was when I went to go to the toilet to empty my bladder and found that someone was already in the toilet.

That's right. The occupant forgot to lock the door. I don't know who was more surprised, the occupant for being sprung or me for finding this woman standing up over the toilet facing the door. The mind boggles. Not how I would use the toilet anyway.

Now my only perplexing thing is that the embryologist told me that there were still 13 embryos going along. You may recall that yesterday my nurse told me that there was 11 with 3 not looking so good. I sure hope they get their stories straight when I ring up tomorrow afternoon to find out the final outcome.

Some other random thoughts about the day and why you know you have done IVF too many times:

- When the admission nurses all greet you by your first name without looking at your file.
- When the Doctor asks you if you would mind if a student watches your transfer and you ungratefully say that's ok but with an attitude that sounds like an imposition.
- You vow to say no to the student next time because news flash! It is an imposition. You don't want any more people looking at your girlie bits even if it means annoying the doctor who is helping put the embryo inside you.
- You start becoming less amazed with the science of it all and more impatient for a result
- You start telling people not to ask you any more questions about how your IVF is going because you know if there is a failed result this time, you will be devastated and "tear up" at the drop of the hat

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