Friday, July 31, 2009

A Haul of Eggs

Egg Collection Results

Despite having an objective of achieving less eggs of better quality, we ended up getting what I would consider a large collection of eggs - 19 in total. This makes this collection the second highest ever with the previous stimulated cycles achieving:

- #4: 22 eggs;
- #3: 12 eggs;
- #2: 18 eggs;
- #1: 15 eggs.

Given we had 19 today, I am not sure what this actually means in terms of quality. Maybe this is not a good sign. IVF is essentially a numbers game where hopefully you throw enough embryos out there one of them will stick.

In any case, I feel better today than what I have done in previous collections. I put this down to having lots of rest before and after the egg collection. The big test will come tomorrow. The big questions are:

- How many will actually fertilise?
- How many will make it to a day 5 blastocyst?

So far we have had pretty good fertilisation rates. Whilst there has been a few fragmented embryos, the majority have survived up to Day 3. However, the statistics are more telling by Day 5. Essentially, in all but one cycle we ended up with only 1 little blastocyst for transfer to my uterus. The last cycle was by far the most successful with 6 little blastocysts in total. So whilst I am anticipating fairly good fertilisation rates tomorrow, the big test will be 5 days from now and of course 11 days after that. Hopefully my number is up and it will be my turn to get pregnant.

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