Thursday, July 23, 2009

Lurking in Toilets

The Inconveniences of IVF

One of the most annoying aspects of IVF is organising your social life around the daily process of needles and injections.

This brings me to the events of last night which were just plain weird. For a start, I was in a library. Now this is not a place I would normally frequent. However, I happened to be at the library because I was attending an Internet marketing meeting on blogging! Yep - and this blog is the result.

In any case, I came to the library prepared with mini esky (ice box), ice pack, antiseptic swabs and syringe in tow. My plan was to escape my meeting at 8pm so I could duck off to the toilet and treat myself to another dose of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH). Just want everyone wants to do. Not!

What was weird about the whole episode was that I felt like some druggie escaping off to get my next fix - especially since I have never been a user of illegal substances.

The location of the library certainly added to my overall feeling. For a start, the library was located in Fitzroy which is an inner city suburb of Melbourne. Fitzroy is quite eclectic and fashionable but I would also say it would probably have a higher than average proportion of druggies in the area. So it would be fair to say that this contributed to the overall weirdness of what I was doing.

It also felt strange injecting in such a public place away from the privacy of home. Fortunately, by the time I went to the toilet the library was closed to the public but I think that just added to the weirdness of my act.

In the back of my mind was the thought of being caught out in the random act of giving myself an injection. How would I handle it? What would I say? How would the person react? Would they think I was a user? I don't think I had a readily available answer.

And fortunately, my act was done undetected with no unwelcome intruders. Phew!!!

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